Chem-Match: Corporates meet Startups 2020
Matchmaking Event "Green & Digital" to initiate collaboration between the chemical industry and startups!
Cancellation of Corporate Challenge Event (9 October)
New slots for matchmaking (8 and 9 October)
The chemical industry faces diverse challenges these days. Issues like digitisation, process improvements or ecological responsibility shape a new operation setting for companies. The pressure to innovate is high while the time needed stays an obstacle. Ambitious corporates rely on cooperative approaches to innovate. They use the dynamics in the startup scene to speed-up their research and development efforts.
The "Chem-Match: Corporates meet Startups" event brings impetus to the chemical open innovation. Like in the successful 2019 edition, we match corporates with startups from the fields of chemistry, biotechnology, bioelectronics, environmental technologies and sustainability, digital process management and digital innovation.
Hessen Trade & Invest with the Enterprise Europe Network and the project partners Infraserv at Industry Park Höchst, CIEX Europe Conference and 5-HT Digital Hub Chemistry & Health offer this special event format for meeting and discussing about corporate - startup collaboration.
- Startups and Scaleups
use the matchmaking event and the conference programme at the CIEX Europe 2020 conference on 8 and 9 October. Moreover make use of the "Corporate Insights" online workshop.
- Corporates/Chemical Companies
meet innovative startups during the matchmaking event on 8 and 9 October
Register now free of charge with your individual cooperation request and check for suitable partners. Please note that participation is reserved for startups and corporates from chemistry, biotechnology, bioelectronics, environment and digital/IT.
Download the b2match-App:
Available for Android and iOS.
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